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The Origin of Weile MahjongWeile Mahjong is a popular mobile game produced by Tencent Technology. It has been one of the most downloaded games in China since its launch i

The Origin of Weile Mahjong


Weile Mahjong is a popular mobile game produced by Tencent Technology. It has been one of the most downloaded games in China since its launch in 2012. Tencent is the largest internet company in China and one of the largest in the world, providing various online games, social media platforms, e-commerce, and other internet-related services. However, Weile Mahjong was not originally developed by Tencent, nor did it acquire the game through any merger or acquisition. In fact, the copyrights of Weile Mahjong belong to a company called BJ Feiyu Technology Co., Ltd.

The Business Model of Weile Mahjong

Although Tencent did not create Weile Mahjong, the company did invest in BJ Feiyu Technology in 2010 and became the largest shareholder, acquiring a 45% stake in the company. After the success of Weile Mahjong, Tencent integrated the game into its own gaming platform and provided various marketing and promotion tools to enhance its popularity. Tencent also earns revenue from Weile Mahjong. When players purchase virtual items, such as in-game currency, game props, or VIP memberships, Tencent collects a percentage of the revenue. Besides, Tencent also promotes its other games through Weile Mahjong, attracting more users to its gaming ecosystem.

The Future of Weile Mahjong

As one of the most profitable games in Tencent's portfolio, Weile Mahjong contributed a significant portion of Tencent's gaming revenue in recent years. According to Tencent's financial reports, Weile Mahjong had over 110 million active users daily and generated approximately 10 billion yuan in revenue in 2020. However, the growth of Weile Mahjong has slowed down in recent years, and the competition in the mobile game market has become increasingly fierce. Tencent needs to continuously update and improve Weile Mahjong to retain its existing player base and attract new users. Besides, Tencent also needs to consider the regulatory pressure on gaming, especially on games that may cause addiction among teenagers. Although Tencent has implemented various measures to prevent minors from excessive gaming, it may still face strict supervision from the government in the future.


In conclusion, although Weile Mahjong is not created by Tencent, the game brings significant revenue and contributes to Tencent's gaming eco-system. Weile Mahjong's success also reflects Tencent's ability to promote and monetize third-party games. However, Tencent needs to continuously update and improve Weile Mahjong to remain competitive and comply with regulatory policies. Weile Mahjong's future depends on how Tencent manages the game and how the market evolves.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月10日 19:40:58
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